Louisville Guardianship Lawyer

Guardians are appointed for the elderly, disabled, a child under 18, someone struggling with disabilities and about to turn 18, or someone tragically injured in an unforeseen accident. Graham Whatley, experienced Louisville Guardianship Lawyer, assists families in petitioning for, and determining guardianship, through a court process to ensure that someone you love is properly cared for, kept safe and not exposed to exploitation.
Graham is dedicated to protecting those who are vulnerable to being exploited; he has been and continues to act as a court-appointed Guardian Ad Litem. Graham has participated in all aspects of guardianship, from appointment of a guardian to ensuring that a guardian fulfills their duties, or having a guardian promptly removed so that the estate is made whole in cases where a transgression of the guardian’s fiduciary duty occurs. Graham has successfully contested petitions ill-conceived and not in compliance with Kentucky’s unique guardianship rules contained in KRS 387.
Every step of Guardianship is governed by rules that can be complicated and confusing, even for attorneys not familiar with the process and requirements faced. The process is designed to carefully protect those most vulnerable and in most need in our society, to protect and keep safe, while not reducing the reasonable liberty of the individual, to assist without harming. Thus, it is vital for all interested parties, and the Ward or potential Ward, to receive good guidance, sound legal advice, and a caring and compassionate advocate.